Winter holiday in Obertauern at Guesthouse Gloria

Fantastic winter holiday

in Obertauern at Guesthouse Gloria

Legal Notice
Guesthouse Gloria
Alexander Mayer, BSc
Römerstraße 50
5562 Obertauern
Phone 0043 6456 7268
Fax 0043 6456 7268 33

Company name: Gloria GmbH
Commercial register number: 316561g
VAT Identification no.: ATU64487889
Place of juristication: Landesgericht Salzburg
Local authority pursuant to e-Commerce Act: District Commission Sankt Johann im Pongau
Section: Hotellerie - Frühstückspensionen / LG Handel mit Mode- und Freizeitartikeln - Einzelhandel mit Sportartikeln
Chamber of Commerce: Wirtschaftskammer Salzburg

Company information pursuant to e-Commerce Act

Booking conditions in accordance with the Austrian Hotel Regulations

Data privacy & online dispute resolution

1. Data privacy
Data privacy is important to us. Therefore we take the protection of your data very seriously. You will find further information in our data privacy statement.

2. Information on online dispute resolution in accordance with Art. 14 para. ODR VO
The European Commission offers the possibility for online dispute resolution on one of their powered platforms (so-called "ODR platform"). The OS platform can serve as a focal point for the extra-judicial settlement of disputes arising from online sales contracts or service contracts. This platform can be reached via the external link

3. Visitor's tax:
Visitor's tax € 2.00 per night and person (persons up to the age of 15 years are exempt) Registration number according to Salzburg law on overnight stays: 50422-001170-2020

4. Concept & design:
Webdesign © by Werbeagentur Algo

5. Photo material ©:
Werbeagentur Algo
Tourist office Obertauern
Guesthouse Gloria




The well known tauernrunde is already open, most of our slopes are open and we are looking forward to welcoming you at Gloria. A detailed list of all the ski lifts and their status can be found here.

Best regards,
Family Mayer